How to prepare a child for school?

Often, before a child starts school, the parents themselves go through this period, doubting whether the child is ready for school, and anxious and afraid of all possible difficulties. We need to remember that children feel and see our emotional state perfectly and can even learn from us. Therefore, one of the most important things is for the parents themselves to try not to worry about the child’s adaptation at school or other difficulties that await him. Before attending school, it is advisable to talk to your child little by little about how he or she envisions his or her class, his or her teacher, classmates, learning, and what the rules are at school, what will be different from kindergarten or home. If circumstances and possibilities allow, it is also useful to go to school once or even several times with the child so that he or she can get used to the environment and thus feel safer when starting to attend school. When a child is already attending school, especially in the first days or weeks, parents like to ask about grades, whether they received a good grade today, or did not receive comments. However, it would help the student to adapt much more to school if his parents asked him when he returned home about what he had learned, what was most interesting and so on. In this way, the child is encouraged to think about the very meaning of school, why he goes there and what he gets out of it, what he does there, thus encouraging curiosity.

What are the most common educational mistakes that make children reluctant to attend school after kindergarten?

We are already well aware today that children are traumatized by physical and emotional abuse. As physical violence is no longer available in kindergartens, children should no longer be reluctant to attend school for this reason – fear of physical violence. Everything else is emotional violence. He is very delicate. Sometimes it is enough to constantly discipline a child, prevent them from revealing, make fun of him, and he closes – no longer wants to communicate. Especially when he or she is starting to get a secondary education in Lithuania, as bullying still is one of the biggest problems.

We also know that children need to be educated through play: if we put students as university students, it’s no surprise that children start to get bored, and they also don’t want to travel to school anymore.

There is also a group of parents who scare you with various school horrors: “The teacher will not help you every step of the way”, “You will see, it will not be so easy for you there!”, “No one in the school will cover you!” and so on. In this case, a child who thinks they don’t meet a certain standard set by their parents avoids even thinking about school.

Anyway, children want to go to school and – if the child doesn’t want to – you should think why is that. 
More about primary education in Lithuania you can find out here:






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